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09 May 2021


I do wish the people who compiled the lectionary wouldn’t start us off right in the middle of a story!
You never know quite what is going on.
I do see that they wish to take pity on those whose turn it is to read the Scriptures aloud, but even still!

And this story in Acts, that was our first reading today,
starts off bang in the middle of things.
What is Peter up to, and, more to the point,
what has he been up to?

Well, the story began when Cornelius, a Roman official, wanted to learn more about God, so God sent an angel to him saying, in effect,
“The man you want is called Simon Peter, and he’s staying at the house of Simon the Tanner, here in Joppa –
why not send for him?”

Snag was, it was going to take more than an invitation to persuade Peter to go round to the Cornelius’ place.
If you were Jewish, you didn’t associate with unbelievers, end of.
You certainly never went to their homes –
you might speak to them in the street, if you absolutely had to,
but going to their homes would have made you what was known as “unclean”, and you would have had to have had a ritual bath
before you could associate with your friends and family again.
That’s one of the reasons why the Priest and the Levite walked past the dying victim in Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan –
if the man was actually dead, and they touched him,
they’d have made themselves unclean for no good reason.
Far better to pass by on the other side of the road, and pretend you hadn’t noticed.

So because God wants Peter to go and see Cornelius, Peter, too, gets a vision.
Or, just possibly, a dream –
he’s gone up to sit on the flat roof to pray for awhile before lunch, and he might easily have nodded off.
Anyway, whatever, what he sees is a large sheet, full of the kind of animals he simply wouldn’t have dreamt of eating in a million years.
The sort of animal he’d always considered unclean, and probably made his stomach churn to think of eating it –
rather like we might feel about ants’ eggs or sheep’s eyeballs.
But three times he was told to do this, and three times he was told not to call anything unclean that God has called clean.

When he woke up, or came to himself, or whatever, he was still inclined to wonder what God meant by it all.
So you can imagine how surprised he was when he found Cornelius’ servants waiting downstairs, asking him to come along.
Now, Peter, since the Holy Spirit came, is a changed man.
But at times there are still traces of the old Peter there, like now, because the first thing he said was "You yourselves know that it is unlawful for a Jew to associate with or to visit a Gentile."

So kind. So polite. Contrast this with last week’s story, where another man who was a total outsider wanted to know more about God, and God sent Philip to talk to him. Philip wasn’t in the least worried about chatting to the man, and even baptised him when he was challenged to do so. But Peter is a different kettle of fish.

“Your yourselves know that it is unlawful for a Jew to associate with or to visit a Gentile!”

Yeah, right. I wonder how that made Cornelius feel. I wonder how it makes you feel. Some of you will have experienced far deeper rejection than I can ever know or understand. Peter might just as well have said something along the lines of “Your kind of people are generally lazy and just come here to sponge off of social security.
You people all have lots of babies so you can get more money from the Government without having to work.
I shouldn't be crossing the picket lines to talk to you scabs.
I am fully aware that God does not approve of your life style and that you are an abomination to God.
I don’t know what I’m doing talking to the likes of you….
But hey, here I am.
Aren't you impressed?"

Oh Peter….. not good. But fortunately, Peter has learnt a bit in recent weeks or months, and he has learnt to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and suddenly realises what his vision meant.
He rightly concludes, "God has shown me that I should not call anyone profane or unclean."

Peter is slowly realizing that he had been sent to this particular household for a reason.
Until then, the disciples had thought that they were only meant to be preaching to the Jews, and the Good News wasn’t for everybody.
Jesus had tried to show that it was, but I have a feeling he wasn’t altogether too clear on that one while he was on earth, so it became an issue to be addressed primarily after the resurrection, like now.
Peter suddenly sees the light:
"I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him."

It’s the same as last week’s story, isn’t it. The treasury official, rejected by the Jews because of his mutilation – he wouldn’t have been allowed to convert, even had he wanted to – challenges Philip to baptise him. Would this new religion reject him, too? “Here is water,” he says. “What is to keep me from being baptised?”

And, of course, there was nothing. This man, whose skin was a different colour, who came from a completely different country, whose sexuality was, forcibly, different from most people’s – there was no reason at all why he shouldn’t be baptised, and Philip baptised him.

But somehow that news hadn’t reached Peter yet, or if it had, Peter hadn’t really taken it in. I think he must have apologised to Cornelius for having been rude, but he must have been utterly gobsmacked.
Right from his earliest childhood, he had been taught to thank God each day that he had not been born a Gentile, a slave, or a woman.
And now God is telling him that who people are doesn’t matter –
if they want to know Jesus, if they want to be baptised, they can.
And while he is beginning to say something of this to Cornelius and his family, the Holy Spirit takes over, and Cornelius and his household all begin to pray in tongues and to rejoice in God’s love. So Peter baptises them with water, and henceforth they are members of the church.

And so Peter tells the believers in Jerusalem, when they send for him and ask what on earth he thinks he’s been doing.
For Peter, this is a start of a whole new journey of discovery, of what God is doing among other people, people who aren’t Jewish.
He does have his moments of backsliding –
St Paul tells us, in the letter to the Galatians, that he had to remind Peter that he was perfectly able to eat with Gentiles and not to be so stupid about it.
But, by and large, the early church had turned a huge corner.

The snag is, it hasn’t stayed turned, has it? St Paul may have written that “There is no longer Jew or Greek,
there is no longer slave or free,
there is no longer male and female;
for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” –
but the Church doesn’t believe it and never has!
Peter may have learnt that God shows no partiality,
but God’s followers most certainly do.
Philip may have found no reason not to baptise the treasury official,
but too many people who came over on the Empire Windrush and its successors found themselves unwelcome in our churches.

Look, we’re always going to associate mostly with people who are more like us –
we have more in common with people who come from the same sort of background, went to the same sort of school, enjoy the same sort of hobbies.
Christian folk may well prefer the company of other Christians.
That’s okay.

But it can all too easily become toxic, become a matter of “them and us”. I am ashamed that it was not until this year that I realised, thanks to the television advertisements –
I expect you’ve seen them, too –
that Muslims believe, just as we do, that when one part of the body suffers, all suffer.
And I simply hadn’t known that before, and I should have known.

God shows no partiality. We are all equally loved and cared for, whatever our race, or religion, or skin colour. Many centuries ago, John Donne, a clergyman poet wrote this:
“No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”

We are all involved with one another.
Because God shows no partiality, and neither must we.
We are all accepted by God, loved by God, and, as Christians, indwelt by God the Holy Spirit.
Each and every one of us.
Even you.
Even me.
We may be rejected by the world, we may even –
although I do hope not –
be rejected by the church, but God will never, ever reject us. Amen.


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