Two familiar passages today;
in the first, we see Joseph
confronting his brothers many years after they sold him into slavery
and told his father he was dead.
And in the second, Jesus is
preaching to the crowds in what is often called the “Sermon on the
Luke’s version of the Sermon on the Mount that we
are so familiar with from Matthew’s gospel.
Let’s look
at the Old Testament story first.
You know Joseph’s story, of
born into the most dysfunctional of dysfunctional
families, his father and grandfather both liars and cheats.
Joseph himself was the spoilt favourite –
his father had two
wives, you may remember, Rachel, whom he loved, and Leah, whom he
didn't but was tricked into marrying anyway.
He also had a
couple of kids by Leah's and Rachel's maids, Bilhah and Zilpah, but
Rachel, the beloved wife, had had trouble conceiving,
so Joseph
and his full brother Benjamin were very precious,
especially as
Rachel had died having Benjamin.
He, it seems, was still too
young to take much part in the story at this stage, but Joseph was
well old enough to help his brothers –
and, we are told, to
spy on them and sneak on them to his father.
And stupid enough
to boast of self-important dreams.
It's not too surprising
that his brothers hated him, is it?
Obviously, he didn't deserve
to be killed, but human nature is what it is,
and the brothers
were a long way from home
and saw an opportunity to be rid of
At least Reuben, and later Judah, didn't go along with
having him killed,
although they did sell him to the
Ishmaelites who were coming along.
Joseph has a lot of
growing up to do,
and it takes a false accusation and many years
in prison to help him grow up.
But eventually he is freed
given an important post in the Egyptian administration,
for the forthcoming famine and then administering food relief when it
And so his brothers come to beg for food
And at first Joseph is angry enough with them to first
of all insist they bring the youngest, Benjamin, with them next time
they come –
he had stayed at home to look after their father
and then to plant false evidence that he had stolen a gold
He says he will let the others go but keep Benjamin as his
but the other brothers explain that it will kill their
father if he does so.
And at that something breaks inside
Joseph, and he makes himself known to his brothers, forgiving them
completely for all they had done to him –
pointing out, even,
that God had used this for good,
as he had been able to organise
the food relief,
knowing there would be five more years of
drought and famine to come.
And he sends for his father to come
and bring all the households and settle in Egypt.
The family is
reunited and –
for some generations, at least –
all live happily ever after.
Five hundred years or so
later, the son of another Joseph is preaching to the people.
what he says is completely revolutionary.
Here is a modern
“If you are ready to hear the truth then I
have this to say:
Love! Love even your enemies.
Treat even
those who hate you with love.
If anyone mouths off at you or
treats you like dirt, wish them all the best and pray for them.
someone gives you a smack around the ear to humiliate you, stand tall
and stick your chin out, and invite them to have another
Absorb the hostility –
don’t escalate it.
someone nicks your coat, just say, ‘Hey, if you’re needing that,
you’ll be needing these,’ and hand over your hat and scarf as
Give to everyone who asks something of you, and don’t go
hassling people to give back what they’ve got from you.
generously, and don’t go keeping score and looking to balance the
Nathan Nettleton
It’s all pretty familiar, isn’t it?
We are
perhaps more familiar with the version given in St Matthew, but it’s
pretty much the same sentiment.
Jesus goes on:
“If you
want to know how to treat someone, just ask yourself what you’d be
hoping for if you were in their shoes.
Treat others the way
you’d like to be treated, not just the way you are treated.
not as though you’d deserve a medal for loving someone who loves
Anyone can do that!
You won’t find your name in the
honours lists for a good turn done to those who are always going out
of their way to help you.
Any crook can do that!
And if you
only ever give when it looks like there’ll be something in it for
you, what’s the big deal?
Every business shark knows how to
make an investment, but it’s not exactly evidence of a generous
Nathan Nettleton
The thing is, of course, that we don’t do it!
of it.
We know it in our heads, but we haven’t made it part of
We’re taught to stand up for ourselves, we’re taught to
look out for number one.
Even though we’re taught to share, we
understand that we may have our turn on the swings in the playground,
or whatever.
Maybe as adults, we reckon we’ve a right to our
turn at the remote control….
But from what Jesus is
saying, we don’t.
We need to put other people first.
need to allow other people to walk all over us, to hit us, to steal
our possessions.
It does sound as though we’re supposed to be
doormats, doesn’t it?
As though we need to just stand there,
being totally passive, allowing other people to run our lives for
No wonder we don’t do it!
But are we supposed
to be doormats?
I don’t think so!
Jesus wasn’t, after
Yes, he allowed himself to be arrested and crucified, he
refused to defend himself at his trial.
But before that we see
him arguing with the Pharisees and teachers of the law.
doesn’t say “Oh well, I expect you’re right,” but tries to
show them what he is all about, what the Kingdom of Heaven is
He took up a whip and drove out the traders in the Temple
was that being a doormat?
You see, it’s not
just about standing there and taking it.
It’s about being
positive, as well.
“Be different!” says Jesus.
your enemies and do good to them.
Lend freely, and don’t go
looking for returns.
God will see that it’s worth it for
You will be God’s very own children.
God is generous
to those who don’t deserve it,
even if they’re totally
God forgives whatever anyone owes.
treat people the way God treats people.”
Nathan Nettleton
“Treat people the way God treats people.”
course, there are those who go around saying that God hates this
group of people, or that group.
There are those who would like
to exclude all sorts of people from God’s love.
But that’s
not what the Bible says.
Our Methodist doctrines teach that
everybody, no matter who, can be saved.
“And every offender
who truly believes,
that moment from Jesus a pardon
God doesn’t hold things against us.
worries me, you know, that people’s whole careers can be ruined
because of a thoughtless tweet they may have published ten years
People move on.
I don’t know about you, but there
are things I’ve thought or said in my past that make me cringe to
think about them now –
had there been social media when I was
I’d probably be utterly disgraced now!
And you
can probably think of occasions in your own lives, too.
the thing is, God doesn’t think of them.
“So far as the East
is from the West,
so far has God put our transgressions from
us,” says the Psalmist.
And Jesus reminds us, here as
that because that is so, we need to forgive,
Think of the story we call the Prodigal Son.
son who asked for his share of inheritance and went into the world to
have some fun,
and when he was in the gutter decided to go home
And the father ran to meet him, and put on a massive
celebration for him,
and had obviously been longing and longing
and longing for his son to come home again.
But the father
couldn't make the son come home.
He had to wait until the son
chose to come home of his own free will.
What's more, the son
had to accept that his father wanted him home again.
He could
have said "Well, no, I don't deserve all this,"
rushed off to live in the stables, behaving like a servant,
his father wanted to treat him as the son he was.
The son had to
receive his father's forgiveness, just as we do.
And don't
forget, either, the elder brother,
who simply couldn't join in
the celebrations because he couldn't forgive his brother.
dare they celebrate for that lousy rotter!
I don't know whether
he was crosser with his father for having a party, or with his
brother for daring to come home.
I feel sorry for him, because
he allowed his bitterness to spoil what could have been a good
And that is exactly what happens to us when we do
not forgive one another.
We allow our bitterness to spoil what
could have been a good time with God.
I often think
forgiveness is the Christian’s secret weapon.
All of Jesus’
teachings in the passage we have been looking at this morning seem to
be about forgiveness.
If someone hits us, we forgive them,
rather than hitting back.
If someone steals our coat, we forgive
them, and perhaps even offer them more of our clothes.
And so
After all, that’s how we’d like them to treat us, isn’t
But as you know, and as I know, the world isn’t like
And we tend to conform to the world’s standards,
than God’s standards.
But what if we didn’t?
if we really did do as Jesus tells us?
What if we really treated
people the way God treats them,
the way we would like them to
treat us?
The first Christians were known as the people
who turned the world upside-down.
But that was two thousand
years ago, and over the centuries we have watered down Jesus’
We have got used to it, and we don’t see how
revolutionary his teaching actually was.
Joseph, as we
have seen, was able to forgive his brothers –
it took him
awhile, but when he got there, he really forgave them.
He saw
how God had worked everything together for good, and not only forgave
them, but invited them to come and settle locally.
He really is
the poster child for forgiveness.
Jesus promises us that
if we give generously –
and I don’t think he means just
material giving, but giving of ourselves, of our time, of our love,
of our forgiveness –
then God’s generosity to us will know
no limits, either.
What do you think, I wonder?
you did as Jesus says in the gospel reading –
would you turn
into a doormat?
Or could it be, possibly, just might, it prove
to be dynamite,
something to turn the world upside-down?
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